Tim Grahl on Book Marketing in Three Steps

I like Tim Grahl’s stuff. He was introduced to me by my boss, Sean McCabe, and I saw him speak (and scored a copy of his book, Running Down a Dream) at Craft + Commerce this past summer. Tim’s got a blog post I’ve had bookmarked for a while, and I’d rather bookmark it here, for the benefit of you and me, than just keep one more browser tab eternally open on my desktop…

A Simple Marketing Plan for Fiction Authors – Book Launch

I’ll just spoil the ending:


The most common reasons people avoid making progress with their marketing is because a) they don’t know what to do and b) they are afraid it will take too long.

Follow this simple plan to get started and you’ll see it make a difference.

Good stuff. While one could argue that thinking about book marketing when I’m still mostly avoiding working on my draft is just one more distraction… I’ll come back to this when the time is right.